About Us

Who We Are ?

Schools Cubed is an educational consulting group that takes under-performing schools and works with district and school leaders to create self-sustaining, high achieving school systems. We focus on the three S’s: Systems, Structures and the Science of Reading.

Strong systems help ensure that teachers/district personnel collaborate effectively and are backed by the data they need to measure progress and performance. Successful schools and districts are built on efficient structures that, whether at the school level or district level, are designed toward maximizing learning, instructional time and enhanced use of human resources.  Finally, high-performing schools know and use instructional strategies in the Science of Reading to achieve exceptionally high outcomes for students.  

Years of experience has taught us that these are the key ingredients we find in all highly-performing schools. There are no magic bullets in school improvement. It takes hard work to establish these effective systems, structures and strategies.

Over the past 6 years, Schools Cubed has grown from collaborating with individual schools to districts and state departments of education.  At each level, the success rate has been outstanding and sustainable.   

About Us

Our Approach

Schools Cubed is a small, yet accomplished Colorado-based company with a strong, successful track record in transforming school performance. There are many consulting organizations available for this work, but we strongly believe we separate ourselves from typical, generic, one size-fits-all companies. Our experience indicates that the work must fit with the client, not that the client must fit with the company.

Schools Cubed relies on a proven track record as well as effective schools research to empower districts to transform their schools. Schools Cubed believes that it is the Systems, Structures and instructional Strategies rooted in the Science of Reading that make a difference for schools. Stand-alone programs that merely target a particular instructional area certainly have their place, but have limited impact. Schools must transform what they are doing by creating systems that empower all members of the learning community. Schools Cubed knows the research regarding effective schools, and guides districts/schools to implement the research in order to build school leadership capacity.

Schools Cubed works with districts and school leaders to create focused systems of learning by empowering school leaders to organize around 5 areas of highly effective schools: collaborationinstructional focus, data analysis, time, and a safe and orderly environment. When principals have the capacity to develop each of these areas in their schools, structures are created that support instruction and learning. It is these school leaders who will have the highest impact on student outcomes.

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About Us

Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Our mission is to transform low- or under-performing schools into high-achieving, self-sustaining educational systems of excellence.

Our vision is steeped in the belief that ALL students can attain high achievement. To attain such, administrators and educators must use research that ensures they are using proven and evidence-based practices that will increase school effectiveness.


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