It's Possible

A Leadership Plan for Implementing Quality Reading Instruction and Ensuring Literacy for All

By: Pati Montgomery, Angela Hanlin

Foreword by: Jan Hasbrouck

This book provides school leaders with the systems and structures needed to implement quality literacy instruction. Learn how to structure a literacy block for different grades, leverage assessments to boost reading proficiency, and discover how leadership and collaboration empower teachers to maximize their impact.

Applying the findings from the science of reading as well as the research on school leadership and highly effective schools, authors Pati Montgomery and Angela Hanlin guide principals and leaders on how to build systems and structures needed to ensure quality literacy instruction. Principals and leaders can implement the science of reading, support teachers, and increase literacy proficiency for all.

K–8 educational leaders will use this book to:

  • Understand how to design a tiered literacy intervention program
  • Gather and interpret assessment data to ensure student literacy is on target
  • Provide professional development that best supports teachers
  • Create a quality master schedule
  • Collaborate with colleagues to provide equitable reading instruction for all students

Are you interested in professional development related to It's Possible?

Implementation Schools

At Schools Cubed, we believe in the Systems, Structures, and Science of Reading. We partner with schools and districts across the country to help create high performing systems of learning. These partnerships are called, “implementation or laboratory schools”. They embody our mission, to transform low, or under-performing schools into high-achieving, self-sustaining educational systems of excellence. Currently, if you have less than 70% of your students reading at grade-level, regardless of their economic status, your school is under-performing.

Literacy Evaluations

Schools Cubed is one of the few literacy consulting groups that provides a comprehensive literacy audit for schools and districts. The outcome from the audit provides school leaders with the framework to establish the necessary systems and structures that support teachers and students as they implement the Science of Reading.

Systems, Structures and the Science of Reading are the key ingredients in all highly-performing schools.


Strong SYSTEMS ensure effective collaboration and give teachers the data they need to measure progress and performance.


Successful schools have STRUCTURES place to ensure school days are learning-focused and maximize instructional time.

Science of Reading

High-performing schools know and use instructional strategies based on the SCIENCE OF READING to achieve exceptionally high outcomes for students.