Starting Strong

At Schools Cubed, we believe in the Systems, Structures, and Science of Reading.

We plan for a minimum of One Full Year with at least 14 days on-premises, working directly with you and your staff. After our initial assessment, our team will return for recurring two-day visits to track progress and offer more direction as needed.


First Steps – Literacy Audit. Used to determine where school/district currently stands, create a plan.
Year One – Universal Instruction. Getting on the right path to improvement in all areas.

First Steps

A 2-day Audit

A two-day process using the Literacy Evaluation Tool in which we analyze the systems and structures currently utilized at your school or district.


  • We observe all classrooms alongside school leadership
  • Interviews are conducted with school leadership
  • A report is generated for the school and district​

Literacy Evaluation Tool

Updated in 2023 to reflect most current research, our evaluation tool is used in hundreds of schools across the country. The rubric focuses on 6 key domains:

  • Universal instruction
  • Interventions
  • Assessments
  • Data-based Decision Making
  • School Leadership Teams
  • Professional Development

Check out the Audit Page to learn more

Year One

Universal Instruction

  • Typically year one focuses on Universal Instruction and Interventions
  • Starting with universal instruction ensures no student declines
  • Also implementing quality intervention ensures we raise literacy outcomes
  • In a typical Year One school—we make 7, two-day, back-to-back visits. 

Continued Success

Beyond the First Year

After establishing the foundational systems, our dedicated schools and districts advance toward our second phase.

Year Two – Data Tracking & Analysis, Small Group Instruction
The systems developed in year one continue to grow into year two and build upon the previous year. In year two our focus is on data-driven decision making and small group instruction.

Year Three – Comprehension and Standards
In year three we begin to develop the systems necessary for increasing achievement overall in state standards.