Results and Success Stories

There are no magic bullets in school improvement. It takes hard work to establish effective systems, structures, and strategies. Schools Cubed has a proven track record to not just “improve” the educational outcomes for schools and districts of under-served students, but put them on the “map” as exemplary school districts. The schools and districts that we have served are typically 90-100% eligible for free and/or reduced lunch, have large ELL populations, as well as significant mobility and social emotional concerns.

We are built on the belief that ALL students can attain high achievement and we focus on school populations comprised of highly diverse learners. The results, a few of which are highlighted below, speak for themselves…

New Madrid, mo

Matthews Elementary, New Madrid County Schools

In 2016 Schools Cubed became the educational consulting firm for one of the lowest performing schools designated as a “Focus School,” in the state of Missouri. When Angie Hanlin, the Principal of Matthews Elementary approached us in 2016, only 10% of her 3rd graders were Proficient on the state assessment.

Impressed with the initial work at Matthews, the district contracted with our firm in 2017 to begin district-wide turnaround work at all schools, K-12. In this project, we collaborated with the school board, district leadership, school leaders and teachers, to establish community and shared vision, to transform outcomes for all students in this rural Missouri district. ​

In just 3 years, the original elementary school—Matthews Elementary—was removed from Focus School designation, with a whopping 95% of their 3rd graders scoring Proficient on the state assessment! The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education along with the National Center for Systemic Improvement has recognized Matthews Elementary for its significant improvement.

Pati (and her team) comes with a sense of urgency! She has a 100% track record in turning schools around. If they work with her, they improve.

Angie Hanlin

Principal of Matthews Elementary

Missouri, MI

New Madrid County

Rural schools have very different challenges and needs than their urban and suburban counterparts. To develop the best-in-class partnership models for large and small schools, we have drawn on our years of experience as successful school leaders who understand challenges of both urban and rural school systems. The recommended models have worked in 100% of our school partnerships. 

2019 Data Highlights

Exceeding for individual student progress and Exceeding on average student APR growth


District ELA scores are increasing at a higher rate than any other school district in the southeast region of the state

New Madrid County Schools compared to neighboring districts, with comparable demographics

Colorado Springs, CO

Remington Elementary, District 49

Another example of remarkable growth achieved in partnership with Schools Cubed was at Remington Elementary, in District 49, a mid-sized district in Colorado Springs, CO. In order to close the achievement gap, a school must produce a growth rate higher than 50%.


The growth rate for “All Students” (Grades 3-5) increased from 48% to 63%, thereby accelerating the closing of the achievement gap. On that same state assessment, other historically underserved subgroups– FRL eligible, Hispanic, minority–produced high growth rates, and consistently outperformed the district and state peers.

Thorp, Wisconsin

Thorp Elementary, School District of Thorp

After years of dissatisfying reading scores, the school made a commitment to make a full transition to the Science of Reading. The district hired Schools Cubed to consult on the complex journey. The graphic below depicts the beginnings of our partnership and the implementation of the Science of Reading, and its correlation to student risk, as measured by their local assessment data (Fast Bridge).

A few key highlights

The past two years working with Schools Cubed has taught us so much. Pati, Vicki, and Angie are always a call, e-mail, or text away to help us out. The School District of Thorp is blessed to work with them.

Misti Trowbridge

Principal at Thorp Elementary

Commerce City, CO

Adams 14

Adams 14, a mid-sized district in metro Denver, is a highly impacted and diverse school system. They are also one of the lowest performing districts in the state of Colorado, and have been mandated by the State Board of Education to enlist an external management partner to oversee Turnaround efforts. Schools Cubed was selected to be the external instructional partner to lead literacy efforts.


After just one year of working with all 13 elementary schools in the district, the students in Adams 14 entered at a higher level than ever before on the district’s literacy benchmark assessment. Because of the success seen after just one year of work in this highly impacted district, the lead management partner asked Schools Cubed to lead literacy services for all secondary schools.


*Due to the pandemic, no test scores are available at this time.

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What Our Partners Have To Say​