Literacy Evaluations

"The Audit"

Schools Cubed is one of the few literacy consulting groups that provides a comprehensive literacy audit for schools and districts. The outcome from the audit provides school leaders with the framework to establish the necessary systems and structures that support teachers and students as they implement the Science of Reading.

Literacy Evaluation:

During a literacy audit, all classrooms are observed, and an interview process is conducted with the school leadership as well as a possible collection of artifacts such as a data protocol, meeting agendas, and so forth. A report is generated and provides the school and district leadership with a framework regarding how the district is doing in several areas, described below, and assists them in creating a vision for improvement in literacy.

Our Rubric:

We use the latest research in the Science of Reading along with the research of effective schools and school leadership to assess the current systems and structure in place at your school or district to create a plan tailored for you. Our rubric has 6 main categories:

Universal Instruction

Data-based Decisions



Leadership Teams

Professional Development

What To Expect

Day 1 - Morning Meeting

We like to start 30 minutes before school by meeting with the Principal, Instructional Coaches, or Reading Specialists to discuss the day’s activities.

Day 1 & 2 - Classroom Observation

We begin observing classrooms along with the Principal while taking detailed notes to capture as much as possible. During this process, it’s important to note that we are not evaluating individual teachers, but are instead looking at the overall system and structures in place that are contributing to current outcomes.

Day 2 - Interview & Discussion

After the observations are completed on the second day, we conduct an interview session with the Principal, Instructional Coaches/Reading Specialists. We then compile all the information gathered into a useful, discussion-enabling format. We end the day with a meeting to talk, debrief, and plan Next Steps for you school.

The Months and Years Ahead

The audit is only the beginning! At Schools Cubed, we’re with you for every step along the path of improving outcomes. Our consultants will return to your school on a recurring basis to track progress and work with your staff.


See our First Year page for an overview of the first year with Schools Cubed.